- Date Received: October 15, 2020
- Birth date: July 11, 2019
History: Finn and littermate, Pepper, joined the TAGS family together, at the young age of 15 months. Finn is a small red male, with dark hair around his muzzle and around the white chest, with white toes and a dark tail. He is truly a “red” dog. Finn was whelped outside of Texas, but his litter was sent to Texas to be trained to race. It was apparent early that Finn was not going to be competitive. Finn’s dam is TF Rosie and his sire is Barcelona Boss (neither of which are Texas dogs). Finn is not individually registered with Greyhound Data and was not named before he came to TAGS. (He just looks like a “Finn”.) For the short time he has been with TAGS, Finn seems to be friendly, affectionate, a good traveler, learning to potty outside, being crate trained, and living in house with a female Greyhound. Finn’s foster dad thinks after Finn get comfortable, he will be a snuggler. So far he has been an easy foster and we will see if that continue as he learns new things.

November 16, 2020 update: Finn found his forever home with his new dad, Ty. Congrats to both!
October 15, 2020 update: Finn came to TAGS for a life of retirement and to find his loving lifetime home.

Additional adoption information may be found by clicking here!