Rainbow Bridge 2015

Izzy, (Bob's Eden): October 27, 2007 to November 20, 2015

Ringo (Racin Ringo): February 23, 2008 to November 9, 2015

Cricket is greytly missed by Ian, Sara and family.

Guinness (Jr. B's Gamer, SC): March 22, 2004 to August 14, 2015

We say goodbye to our darling Ashton. She passed away in her usual spot at the front door waiting for the kids to come home this afternoon. Run fast sweet girl! The LaGesse Family

Miss Pistol, aka, Pistola, Peedle, Loodle, (and various other nicknames), was our very first greyhound. She welcomed in many fosters during her retirement years as a Brotherson, but her best friend was her human sister, Molly. Even though they had a rough beginning, they had kindred spirits and grew to love each other immensely as the years passed. Her toothy, big smile will be missed, but we are comforted to know that she is running pain free at the Rainbow Bridge.

Remy is greytly missed by Oodie, Melody, Violet and Darius.

Carmen: July 2001 to March 14, 2015
Missed by her dad, Rock.

Denny (Sam's Denny Go): May 26, 2002 to March 11, 2015
Loved lots and greatly missed by his family, Jennifer, Chris, Ethan and Jaxon.

Splash (Bob's Splash): June 14, 2006 to March 6, 2015
Sweet Splash is greatly missed by her mom, Missy. She joined her sister Gabby at the Rainbow bridge.

Gabby (Jabboty): August 12, 2005 to March 3, 2015
Gabby is greatly missed by her mom, Missy.

Bowie (Bingo Episode): April 30, 2002 to February 3, 2015
Sweet, goofy boy, Bowie is greatly missed by his mom and dad, Colleen and Mike.

Mitsy: July 2, 2013 to January 20, 2015
It is with great sadness that TAGS informs its friends and supporters of the loss of Mitsy due to surgery complications. Mitsy joins the company of others that have gone to the Rainbow Bridge before her. She enjoyed only a short time with the TAGS family and will be missed by all. Run like the wind, sweet little girl.
The TAGS Family

Texas Adopt a Greyhound Society, Inc. ~ P.O. Box 703782 ~ Dallas, TX 75370
214-368-TAGS(8247) or 855-TAG-TAGS (824-8247)