Rainbow Bridge 2014

Luki (Lancelot): est. 2004 to December 30, 2014
Luki was a sweet, loving, huggable soul. He gave us his love and rewarded us with his trust. We were blessed and will miss him. - Gail, Ken and Beth

Sophie (Tyville Dunston): November 28, 1999 to October 1, 2014
Sophie was the first greyhound I adopted in 2003 at the age of 3.5 yrs so I've had many treasured years as she was only two months shy of turning 15 yrs. She was a blessing to so many terminally ill children we visited at the hospitals and the many retirement communities we visited during her years working as a therapy dog.May she be romping in green pastures without pain as she crosses the Rainbow Bridge to join so many friends who have crossed before her. I'll miss her everyday - Kris

Bella (Isabella): 2006 to August 7, 2014
Bella is greytly missed by the LaGesse human and canine family.

Boss (Bad Boss): June 5, 2006 to June 13, 2014
Bad Boss (he wasn't) went to the Rainbow Bridge. He was the perfect first greyhound and we were lucky to have him to show us the way but we are glad he is pain free and running with his friends at the bridge. Our boy showed heart to the end wanting to love on us as we were loving on him. Loved and missed by Beth Ann and Thomas Parson

Dasher (Dots Dasher): November 5, 2001 to April 22, 2014
Run free chasing that ball, Dasher! Missed by his dad and greyhound brothers and sisters.

Bella (C's Many Spots): November 19, 2000 to March 1, 2014
Run free and play and lay in the sunshine all you want, you are perfect again. Bella is greatly missed and was much loved by Darien and Margo.

Joe (Joes Whatfor): March 24, 2006 to January 27, 2014
Joe will be greytly missed by the Thomas family and fursister, Goldie.

Betsy: September 18, 2007 to February 20, 2014
Betsy (fka Sissy) will be greatly missed and was much loved by the Lewis family.

Texas Adopt a Greyhound Society, Inc. ~ P.O. Box 703782 ~ Dallas, TX 75370
214-368-TAGS(8247) or 855-TAG-TAGS (824-8247)