Help TAGS:

TAGS Wish List: 

  • Heartguard Plus, Sentinal or Interceptor
  • Frontline Plus
  • Donations (cash, check, credit card)
  • Gift Cards (cash, pharmacy, pet store)
  • Neosporin
  • Benadryl
  • Imodium AD
  • Vet wrap
  • Pepcid AC

Giving Assistant makes it easy to donate to Texas Adopt A Greyhound Society Inc.! Simply shop online, earn cash back, and donate as much as 30% of your purchase price—Giving Assistant facilitates the whole process. Now, you can help change the world for free while saving money at over 2,500 popular online retailers like Joann (2%), Target (2%), and Macy's (7%)!

"In Honor of" and "In Memory of" those special to you!


PayPal and Credit Cards accepted online!

Test Drive a Greyhound 
Become a Foster
Benefits:  You will enjoy the ride
Dividends:  You will be rewarded with love 
Models available in assorted colors, sizes and ages.
  • Search the web with and each time you do a search, GoodSearch will donate about a penny to our cause!

  • Shop online at and a percentage of each purchase will be donated to our cause! More than 600 top stores are participating including Amazon, Target, Staples, Best Buy and more! 
  • TAGS is now a member of the Randalls/Tom Thumb Good Neighbor program.  TAGS’ number is 12304. You can link TAGS’ number to your Remarkable/Reward Card.  Then the amount of each of your grocery purchases will be added to TAGS’ account every time you use your card.  Randalls/Tom Thumb will send TAGS a check quarterly representing one percent of the total amount in TAGS’ Good Neighbor Account.  This is a perfect way for you to help TAGS raise funds.  Please stop by the Courtesy Booth at Randalls, Simon David or Tom Thumb  and fill out a form linking your Remarkable/Reward Card to TAGS’ account number 12304. 

    You can change your designated organization at any time by completing a Reward Application from at any Courtesy Booth. Fill in the top portion and the "Good Neighbor Program" section, indicating what account number to link or delink on your card.           

    Thanks for supporting TAGS.

    Join iGive free and help TAGS as you search the Internet or shop online! 


    Why not help Texas Adopt a Greyhound Society, Inc. (TAGS) with every search? Make iSearchiGive your homepage, and use our Yahoo!-powered search engine to raise a penny for every qualfiied search. It'll even help you find deals and bargains!

    Just hanging out
    Let a retired racing Greyhound race into your heart!

    Texas Adopt a Greyhound Society, Inc. ~ P.O. Box 703782 ~ Dallas, TX  75370
    214-368-TAGS(8247) or 855-TAG-TAGS (824-8247)