Rainbow Bridge 2010
Mouse: 2001 - October 2010
Her full name was Our Special Mouse. Just what a great family dog she was and how much she will be missed. xx

Xander (aka Lobo): August 2001 - Sept. 2010
Run free our “Sexy, Gentle, Confident Boy.” Everything can now be your fire hydrant without anyone saying Xaaander! After all, you are “THE Dog!”

Charlie: June 23, 1996 - July 26, 2010
My sweet baby – I miss you so, I miss your smell, I miss touching you every night before turning the light out, I miss your soft long ears, I miss that sweet look of yours with those sad Basset eyes, and I want you back. Plain and simple! My life will never be the same without you. All my love! ~ Mommy

Lindsay: May 6, 2001 - July 8, 2010
Lindsay was such a smiler. She is now running pain free at the Rainbow Bridge with Lance and Bubba.

Stanley: April, 1997 - March 2, 2010
Stanley will be deeply missed, but he is now running pain free with his best bud George.

Judy: 1997 - February 28, 2010
The day my little girl left us, the world got a little darker… Sweet dreams my Angel. Life is so quiet and empty… I love you! ~ Mommy

Texas Adopt a Greyhound Society, Inc. ~ P.O. Box 703782 ~ Dallas, TX 75370
214-368-TAGS(8247) or 855-TAG-TAGS (824-8247)