Greyhounds Adopted in 2010

- Name: Annabelle (Fou Fou)
- Sex: Female
- Color: Brindle
- Birth date: February 25, 2005
- Weight: 62 pounds
- Date Received: February 3, 2010
- Small Animals: Annabelle tolerates small dogs but her reaction to cats is unknown.
- History: Annabelle began racing the end of September, 2006 through the end of January, 2010. She had a longer racing career than many (and without ever having a serious injury) and is ready for a rest. She seems to be easy going and fits in quickly to new situations.
Adopted: December 11, 2010
Annabelle with a couple of her new family members.


- Name: Roxie (Rockola)
- Sex: Female
- Color: White / Brindle
- Birth date: April 17, 2002
- Weight: 68 pounds
- Date received: June 22, 2010
- Small Animals: Roxie is not small animal tolerant.
- History: Roxie had a successful racing career until she broke her leg in 2005. She was returned to the farm and sometime later was placed with TAGS.
- Rainbow Bridge: September 22, 2016
Adopted: November 20, 2010
Roxie with her new family.

- Name: Ringo (Racin Ringo)
- Sex: Male
- Color: Fawn
- Birth date: February 23, 2008
- Weight: 72 pounds (racing weight)
- Date received: September 6, 2010
- Small Animals: Ringo is small dog and cat tolerant.
- History: Although trained to race, Ringo had no interest. He would rather lounge on a comfy dog bed, so he “retired” early.
- Rainbow Bridge: November 9, 2015
Adopted: November 10, 2010
Ringo with his new family.



- Name: Harry (LRC Truman)
- Sex: Male
- Color: White w/ black ticking
- Birth date: June 28, 2007
- Age: 2 1/2 yrs
- Weight: 68 pounds
- Date received: December 4, 2009
- Small Animals: Harry is in a foster home as a single Greyhound but with a small dog. Harry will be tested with cats soon.
- History: Harry came to TAGS' with Jazz and has the honor of being TAGS second Greyhound. Harry and Betsy are littermates. They are descendants of the famous HB’s Commander and Molotov. Harry decided 10 races were enough for him and is now enjoying retirement.
- Rainbow Bridge: March 31, 2018
Adopted: August 15, 2010
Harry with his new fur-family members.

- Name: Betsy (LRC Betsy Ross)
- Sex: Female
- Color: Black
- Birth date: June 28, 2007
- Weight: 52 pounds
- Date received: December 9, 2009
- Small Animals: Betsy is cat trainable and is fine with small dogs too.
- History: Betsy only has 2 races under her belt and she decided it was time to retire. Betsy and Harry are littermates. Betsy and Maggie are half sisters, having the same sire, Late Late Show. She is a very sweet and cute little girl.
- Rainbow Bridge: October 3, 2016
Adopted: July 30, 2010
Betsy with her new dad.

Shawnee (now Shiner)

- Name: Shawnee (JW Stubby)
- Sex: Male
- Color: Red Fawn
- Birth date: August 1, 2007
- Weight: 74 pounds
- Date received: December 30, 2009
- Small Animals: Shawnee's reaction to cats and small dogs is not known at this time. .
- History: Shawnee
ran 5 races at Gulf Greyhound Park from November 4 to December 6, 2009, but was
obviously not very competitive. He would rather live out his life in
retirement. He has a bobtail, but the cause is unknown. He is said
to be a very easy going guy.
Adopted: July 28, 2010
Shawnee (now Shiner) with his new family.
- Name: Runner (I Do Run Run)
- Sex: Male
- Color: Brindle
- Birth date: April 2, 2006
- Weight: 76 pounds
- Date received: February 25, 2010
- Small Animals: Runner gets along well with the small dog in his foster home and had no reaction to small dogs at the vet's office. He also is comfortable with other Greyhounds. Runner has not been tested with cats yet.
- History: Runner began his racing career in February, 2008 and his last race was in November 2009. His racing career lasted just under two years and he placed first only one time. It seems Runner was ready for retirement even before his career began.
- Rainbow Bridge: April 6, 2018
Adopted: June 7, 2010
Runner with his new family, the Stokes.



- Name: Sybil
- Sex: Female
- Color: White / Brindle
- Birth date: May 2, 2006
- Weight: 63 pounds
- Date received: April 12, 2010
- Small Animals: Sybil has not been tested with cats or small animals yet, but will be tested soon.
- History: Sybil is a North Texas girl. She ran 63 races according to and finished her racing career at Gulf Greyhound Park. Sybil in now ready to race into someone's heart and live the good life of retirement.
Adopted: May 24, 2010
Sybil with her new mom.

- Name: Jazz (Jazz Master)
- Sex: Male
- Color: Red
- Birth date: June 25, 2006
- Age: 3 1/2
- Weight: 71 pounds
- Date received: December 4, 2009
- Small Animals: Jazz cannot be trusted with cats. He seemed to be okay with a small dog, but can be tested again after he gets comfortable living in a home environment.
- History: Jazz is TAGS' first Greyhound. Jazz ran 84 races but is now settling into retirement. Jazz is a little timid of new things and new people.
Adopted: March 27, 2010
Jazz with his new family including his fur-sister Penny Lane.



- Name: Maggie (LRC Maggie May)
- Sex: Female
- Color: White and Brindle
- Birth date: May 12, 2007
- Age: 2 1/2
- Weight: 60 pounds
- Date received: December 9, 2009
- Small Animals: Maggie seems like she will be cat trainable and she is fine with small dogs. She seems to want to play with cats.
- History: Maggie only has 3 races under her belt and she decided it was time to retire. Maggie and Betsy are half sisters, having the same sire, Late Late Show. She is a very inquisitive and beautiful girl.
- Rainbow Bridge: March 26, 2020
Adopted: January 30, 2010
Maggie with her new family including Greyhound sister, Lass, Greyhound brother, Teddy and Springer Spaniel brother, Spike (with 3 kitties and a horse at home).

Texas Adopt a Greyhound Society, Inc. ~ P.O. Box 703782 ~ Dallas, TX 75370 214-368-TAGS(8247)