Remy (Chenaab)
- Date Received: October 12, 2011
- History: Remy trained to race but hurt his leg in schooling and has no official races
to his credit. He was rehabed on the farm and ultimately stayed there until he decided it was time to move into a retirement home. He's a tall, lean boy with very expressive ears. This friendly and outgoing fellow is curious about all things "house." He settled easily in his first night in a home and slept well with the other greyhounds. For some reason the human bed holds some fascination for him but he has already been instructed that is not his place.
See Greyhound-Data.com for more information.

Remy surrounded by kitties!!

Cute ears!!

Remy joins the Osorio family.

May 22, 2015 update: Remy went to soon to the Rainbow Bridge. He will be greatly missed by his family.
January 13, 2012 update: Remy found is loving lifetime home. Congrats to Remy and his new family.
October 12, 2011 update: Remy came to TAGS to find his loving lifetime home.

Additional adoption information may be found by clicking here!